The Start

The first post, more than anything, should set the tone for the rest of what's to come. One of the hardest things was deciding on the name. There were some naysayers for the Security Brute Squad.

If you can't tell, I'm a fan of the The Princess Bride and, growing up, professional wrestling. In the movie, Miracle Max, cranky and not wanting to deal with the disturbance says, "Beat it or I'll call the Brute Squad." Andre the Giant, as Fezzik, says "I'm on the Brute Squad." Miracle Max looks at him and replies, "You ARE the Brute Squad!"

That's what I want this blog to be around security. The place where people go to get answers or perspective on security - specifically hybrid cloud security. Within, throughout, and outside the datacenter and cloud. As in the 2nd Urban Dictionary description, I want this blog to be what you can use to take on security issues.

 If you don't like the name, well tough :) I know you will smell what I'm cooking.
